University of Florida drives awareness with SMS sweepstakes
The University of Florida used mobile to drive awareness for its Florida Blue Key Honor and Service Society.
The SMS sweepstakes was also meant to drive traffic to the college's Gator Growl Web site. Television spots ran on Cox Media's cable network of channels in Central Florida asking viewers to text GATOR to short code 269411.
"Mobile was suitable for this client because it gave them an opportunity to reach out to their target demographic," said Shira Simmonds, president of Ping Mobile, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
"The campaign targeted college students, through a medium that is personal, relevant and convenient for them," she said.
Ping Mobile powered the sweepstakes campaign.
The Blue Key Honor and Service Society is an organization that recognizes college students at senior institutions of higher education for balanced and all-around excellence in scholarship, leadership and service.
Gator Growl is the University of Florida's student-run pep rally. It marks the end of homecoming week at the university.
Viewers who texted in, received an SMS that said, "Congrats! U R entered to Win 4 VIP Tix 2 the 2008 Gator Growl! Winner notified on 10/17/08 via txt msg. Let the Gator Growl! Visit"
Users were then asked to double their chances to win.
The follow-up text said, "Double Ur chances 2 Win! Reply YES 2 get Xclusives from Florida Blue Key & Cox+ptnrs. Std txt rts aply. Max4msgs/mo. 2 unsub txt STOP. Reply YES now!"
Consumers who texted in a second time were added to a database of names for remarketing.
This isn't the first mobile sweepstakes that Ping Mobile has powered.
The National Football League's New Orleans Saints team used Ping Mobile's services to interact with fans during football games.
Sponsored by local car dealer Ray Brandt Infiniti, the mobile effort required viewers to vote for the Saints player with the biggest impact (see story).
In addition, Hawaiian Airlines ran a mobile sweepstakes that awarded winners with a vacation. Three-quarters of entrants used mobile rather than email to enter.
Commercials on Cox Media's network of cable channels encouraged viewers to text keywords like SAND, SURF, BALL, BAT, BASE, SUN, DRINK, FISH, PITCH and PADRES to the short code 269411 (see story).
With the University of Florida campaign, the target audience was sure to respond to an SMS campaign.
"Studies have shown that college-aged students make up a core demographic of respondents to mobile marketing campaigns -- making mobile a great way for Cox and Florida Blue Key to connect with them," Ms. Simmonds said.