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Anheuser-Busch taps mobile to introduce new Bud Light Lime beer

Anheuser-Busch is using mobile to support a multichannel campaign meant to promote the brewer's new Bud Light Lime beer.

The app is called "Bud Light Lime Summer Hotspots" and it helps users find pubs, bars and restaurant that serve its new flavor of beer. The campaign's slogan is "It's summer. Enjoy it with a Bud Light Lime."

"Applications are especially attractive now in the absence of 4G networks and increased browser functionality," said Paran Johar, chief marketing officer of JumpTap, New York. "Mobile devices will facilitate the majority of digital interactions amongst individuals on the go and therefore applications will become the next generation of immersive interactive mobile branding.

"For applications to be effective companies should ensure they are simple and easy to use, add value or be entertaining, and allow people to connect and share," he said. "They can be considered an ad unit as well as a marketing platform and need to be marketed in order to be successful."

JumpTap did not create the mobile app.

Anheuser-Busch is a brewer that was established in 1852. Eberhard Anheuser acquired the Bavarian brewery in 1860 and renamed it E. Anheuser & Co. In 1864, his son-in-law, Adolphus Busch, joined the company that would later become Anheuser-Busch.

The point of the application is to make it easy for consumers to find hotspots where they can cool down with a Bud Light Lime and get into the summer state of mind.

Using the built-in GPS on the iPhone, Summer Hotspots shows the closest pubs, bars and restaurants with Bud Light Lime. Also, if there is a result with a sun next to it, that means the location that serves Bud Light Lime has outdoor seating.

Due to legal issues, this application will not work properly in Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Once consumers download the application they are asked to verify that they are over the age of 21.

Then they get a list of places near them that serve Bud Light Lime and can click-through to view the telephone number and address of the place.

This isn't the first time an Anheuser Busch brand has done something mobile.

The St. Petersburg Times, Florida's largest newspaper, and its site launched a mobile site to coincide with the Super Bowl in their hometown and Anheuser-Busch's Budweiser beer brand sponsored the mobile site to tie in with its Super Bowl advertising campaign.

"We've been helping brands distribute their branded apps on the iPhone for some time now," said Mack McKelvey, vice president of marketing at Millennial Media, Baltimore, MD. "Brands are attracted to the app space on the iPhone, and other devices, because they are able to flex their brand creativity to drive unique, on-going engagement with their consumers."