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Usablenet optimizes clients' mobile sites for Palm Pre

Victoria's Secret, Nissan, Sears and all the other mobile Web sites Usablenet powers are now fully optimized and customized for the new Palm Pre device.

In response to the June 6 launch of the Palm Pre, Usablenet Mobile reassured clients that its mobile Web platform fully supports this new device. Over 130 Usablenet clients are affected by the translation.

"As Palm Pre was becoming a popular device in the market, Usablenet had to make sure all our clients supported all customers, including Palm Pre users," said Jason Taylor, vice president of mobile products at Usablenet, New York.

"Usablenet is a solution that addresses the problem of mobile compatibility," he said. "No brand needs to worry about which device their customers are using since we provide a consistently successful experience on all mobile phones."

Usablenet guarantees its customers a universal service that supports all mobile devices, as well as all Web browsers and carriers, without ever a need for client IT resources.

Other Usablenet clients include American Airlines, Amtrak, Limited Brands and Pfizer.

The Pre features Palm's new Linux-based operative system, webOS, and functions as a camera, phone, media player, and GPS navigator, in addition to an Internet device.

Palm estimated sales of approximately 50,000 units on launch day and up to 100,000 for that week, a record high for any Sprint phone debut.

Under exclusive carrier agreement with Sprint, Palm currently retails the Pre at Sprint stores and select Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy locations in the United States.

With so many consumers (94 million in the U.S.) using their handhelds to read email, search for products (9 percent of Google searches are now on mobile devices) and browse Web sites, it is a basic expectation that a mobile user will have a successful experience when they visit a company's Web site.

"New mobile devices are launching every year, and it's our goal to continually support these new devices as they come to market," Mr. Taylor said.