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EHarmony helps users find love on the go via iPad app

EHarmony is letting users find their ideal partner on the go via a new iPad app that was designed to meet the needs of singles accessing the service through their mobile devices.

According to the company, the eHarmony HD app is revamped to take advantage of the tablet?s multi-touch functionality. The app is available for free download in Apple?s App Store.

?Version 1 of our mobile platforms was to provide our customers with a solid, functional experience,? said Arvind Mishra, senior director of products at eHarmony, Los Angeles.

?You could complete any of the critical onsite actions that you needed to, now on the go,? he said. ?For this next-generation mobile experience, we took a step back and completely reimagined the service to not only take advantage of iPad?s unique form and functionality, but to also create an experience that was a true departure from other applications.

?We wanted to provide a premium experience for our customer that was inspiring, engaging and innovative.?

Santa Monica, Calif.-based eHarmony, Inc. was founded in 2000 and is a pioneer in using relationship science to match singles seeking long-term relationships. 

On-the-go love
Users who are new to eHarmony can swipe through the relationship quiestionnaire and personality profile.

Similarly, registered users can swipe through their news fees and match listings.

Additionally, users can uploads and connect to Facebook where they can import favorite pictures from their page.

The app also lets users buy a subscription with one touch through in-app purchase.

A growing number of singles are accessing eHarmony through their mobile devices,? Mr. Mishra said.  We transformed the service into a fully optimized experience for the iPad HD app to take advantage of the device?s multi-touch functionality.

?What makes eHarmony HD unique is the visual experience that brings customers to actually feel something when using it,? he said. ?The visual identity and user interface were inspired by the feelings and emotions that come from meeting someone special.

?We have worked hard to build an experience that brings an inspiring and engaging experience to the often daunting world of online dating.?

Real interactions
Through the app, eHarmony consumers can send and receive communications from interested users.
Users can also view matching updates, as well as archive or close matches in bulk. 

The app makes reference to real items throughout its deisng.

Users can see images of Polaroid-like photos, coffee cups and ink thoughout.

According to eHarmony, the items are found in a natural, comfortable environment designed to make visitors feel at home.

?EHarmony HD will be promoted to eHarmony?s current user base, through the company?s social media channels, and supported by online marketing through digital banners, digital video, partnerships, and search,? Mr. Mishra said.

Final Take
Rimma Kats is staff reporter on Mobile Marketer, New York