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Sunglass Hut launches mobile campaign

Sunglass retailer Sunglass Hut launched a campaign in Australia that uses mobile coupons to drive traffic in-store.

The company tapped 5th Finger and digital agency Newgency/Moon to create an online destination where consumers could upload pictures from their mobile phone to receive mobile coupons. The challenge was to leverage Sunglass Hut's online presence and extend it into the retail environment.

"Sunglass Hut was keen to do some user-generated content to engage with their potential customers, but it was very difficult to see where they could get the return on investment, since they were essentially providing entertainment to their customers," said Mathew Costello, San Francisco-based vice president of strategy for 5th Finger.

"Mobile is a great linking point between online and offline media and the point of sale," he said. "We tied mobile into their overarching concept, using MMS and mobile coupons to drive the traffic back into their stores."

Sunglass Hut had great Web 2.0 and user-generated creative, the company said. But they fell short in terms of ROI, so the company used mobile to better link the brand strategy and creative to tangible, measurable results.

Call to action was issued with online banner ads and print ads in women's magazines.

On the site consumers could "pimp out" their photo by adding "bling."

These consumers added Sunglass Hut products to the images, which were then superimposed onto a magazine cover.

Consumers were then able to download their creations to the mobile phone.

Participants in Australia received a $25 Sunglass Hut mobile coupon.

Consumers could share their photo with their friends, encouraging them to participate as well.

Participants were also entered to win a trip to New York.

Sunglass Hut was able to establish a link between online and offline media and used mobile to close the loop between the desktop and the point of sale.

Newgency is a new media agency that is in the process of rebranding as Moon Communications Group.

5th Finger launched in Sydney, Australia, and now has offices in New York and San Francisco.

It specializes in mobile strategy, mobile advertising, mobile marketing, mobile customer relationship management, event activation and media integration.

The company's clients include the Live Earth concert, Johnson & Johnson,, the films Casino Royale and American Gangster, Nickelodeon, Nike and Microsoft's MSN.

"We were successful in driving traffic from their Web site to mobile to in-store, and that last part is always the missing bit, which the power of mobile solves," Mr. Costello said.

"We addressed the ROI challenge with mobile couponing and made it viral by delivering MMS to the consumer's phone and to their friends," he said.

"Mobile is a great linking medium, and getting consumers to walk in the stores was the crux of the campaign. We make the broader media spend work for the client by driving footfall to their stores, and using mobile gave them a reason to go into the store and buy."