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IKEA melds digital catalogs, Instagram for unique social merchandising strategy - Mobile Commerce Daily

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IKEA melds digital catalogs, Instagram for unique social merchandising strategy
Using one of the largest social sharing services to launch a Web-based catalog, IKEA?s new use-case for Instagram may help the photo-centric hub emerge from being a repository for selfies and gain steam as a digital marketplace.
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EBay, Gilt prioritize fashion-first wearable tech to push sales
EBay, Gilt and Airbnb are a few of the retailers showing their support of New York start-up Ringly?s smart ring by collaborating with the product?s mobile application.
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CityPass takes next step toward mobile ticketing to top attractions
A company that bundles pre-paid admission tickets for top attractions in several cities around the country is planning to go mobile.
Please click here to read the entire story on Mobile Commerce Daily to accept bitcoin to expand customer outreach plan to start accepting bitcoin payments in the fall reflects the retailer?s search for new ways to reach a growing audience whose financial dealings and purchasing increasingly happen in the digital realm, including mobile.
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