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Movius, Neutral Tandem partner to address challenges for carriers

Movius Interactive Corp. and Neutral Tandem Inc. are partnering to enable wireless carriers to reduce the risk and accelerate the speed of delivering interactive messaging applications to market.

Under the terms of the new deal, Movius and Neutral Tandem will provide messaging services on a hosted basis to wireless, wireline, cable and broadband operators. Movius? suite of mobile media applications will be hosted in Neutral Tandem?s IP compatible interconnection network. 

"The strategy is to enable carriers to generate new revenue by accelerating the time to market of compelling new features while minimizing initial capital expense,? said Oscar Rodriquez, CEO of Movius, Johns Creek, GA.

With the new Movius and Neutral Tandem delivery platform, carriers can offer full-featured messaging services without upfront capital.

?The strategy of the relationship between Movius and Neutral Tandem is to leverage their combined strengths to match the way carriers want to launch new communications services,? Mr. Rodriquez said.

Movius is a global provider of messaging, collaboration and mobile media solutions.

Neutral Tandem is a provider of tandem interconnection services.

By partnering with Neutral Tandem, Movius can help carriers accelerate the time to market while minimizing the costs associated with building new applications such as visual voicemail and voiceSMS.

Neutral Tandem?s existing network interconnects with the major carriers across the country.

According to Surendra Saboo, Chicago-based chief operating officer of Neutral Tandem, the new partnership between Movius and Neutral Tandem addresses several challenges for carriers.

?It addresses the challenges ? risk, time and expense ? of launching new applications into a fast-paced and competitive communications marketplace,? Mr. Saboo said. ?The offer is directed at wireless, competitive local exchange carrier, incumbent local exchange carrier, multisystem operator and voice over Internet protocol providers within the USA.?

?Since Neutral Tandem is already deeply interconnected with the top wireless, CLEC, MSO and VoIP providers in the USA, carriers can rapidly activate white-label services from the hosted Movius platform without significant upfront investment,? he said. ?Carriers can white-label features from Movius? entire innovative messaging and communications product line.?

The service will be hosted in Neutral Tandem?s hosting environment, which offers battery and generator backup power and dual entrance fiber facilities. The service can also interconnect with the carrier.

?The impact for Movius is that it provides their customers and prospects with a faster way to market,? Mr. Saboo said. ?Neutral Tandem is excited to provide carrier customers with a service suite that helps them better manage operational costs.?

?This in turn generates new revenue by enabling them to rapidly react to competitive market pressures with relevant new communications and messaging services in both retail and enterprise marketplaces,? he said.