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Alltel?s new bundle adds wireless Internet option

Alltel Wireless customers can now add wireless Internet as a secondary line of service on a Smart Choice Pack for $40 a month.

Typically $60 a month, Alltel claims that this option will save new and existing customers almost $250 a year while delivering fast wireless access from a laptop or personal computer. Alltel's Wireless Internet makes it easy to stay connected, access email and update schedules while on the road.

"The Smart Choice Wireless Internet bundle allows Alltel to offer the best smartphone plus data card solution on the market for a more affordable price than ever before," said Matthew Glassman, marketing analyst for Alltel, Little Rock, AR.

"Whether it's staying connected to work through email on the go or keeping in touch with friends via social networking or IM , the Smart Choice Wireless Internet bundle allows our customers to be more efficient by leveraging both laptop and smartphone Internet connectivity," he said

Alltel is a subsidiary of Verizon.

With secure connections at speeds of up to 3.1 Mbps, customers can also wirelessly shop and work online at broadband speeds.

The target demographic is mobile consumers and small business users who want to be productive anywhere they go and don't want to be tied down to the home or office.

"In order to inform our customers, we are highlighting the bundle in our retail store collateral," Mr. Glassman said.

Alltel offers customers the option of bundling Wireless Internet to any of its Smart Choice Pack offerings.

Alltel's Smart Choice Packs provide customers with national voice minutes, an unlimited data plan and features such as "My Circle" for one monthly price.

Packages start at $69.99 per month, including five "My Circle" numbers, 500 anytime calling minutes, and unlimited nights and weekends.

For heavy users, Alltel offers the Smart Choice Pack 5500, providing 20 "My Circle" numbers, 5,500 anytime minutes, unlimited texting and additional features.

In addition to providing high-speed wireless Internet access to laptops and PCs, Smart Choice Packs also provide service for a variety of Alltel smartphones such as the BlackBerry Pearl and BlackBerry Curve.

These two smartphones feature the iconic BlackBerry design with trackball navigation.

The BlackBerry Pearl is now free at after online discounts and a mail-in rebate for customers signing a two year contract.

Alltel Wireless also offers Anytime Plan Changes, giving customers the flexibility to change their calling plans at any time without extending their contract.

Alltel isn't letting its acquisition by Verizon curb its push for market share.

"Alltel remains committed to providing a high quality wireless experience to our customers in the divested markets," Mr. Glassman said.

"The Smart Choice Wireless Internet bundle is another example of our dedication to compete aggressively in the marketplace, offer new and exciting wireless products, services and calling plans and continue to offer our customers the best wireless experience in the industry," he said.