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Sprint launches personalized mobile data services

Sprint has tapped mobile data personalization and subscriber intelligence provider ChangingWorlds to deliver personalized content on its homepage based on the sites visited most often by individual subscribers.

The wireless carrier will integrate ChangingWorlds' ClixSmart Intelligent Portal Platform for the delivery of its personalization and portal management solutions. ChangingWorlds will not only launch its ClixSmart technology on the Sprint's own portal, Sprint Web, it will also provide advanced personalization solutions for a number of Sprint's cable partners and wireless wholesale customers.

"Sprint chose ChangingWorlds because of its pedigree in building subscriber intelligence and delivering highly personalized and relevant mobile data services to individual subscribers," said Vincent Ryan, vice president of international sales and marketing for ChangingWorlds, Dublin, Ireland.

"The launch of Sprint Web with ChangingWorlds personalization has led the way for personalized mobile content discovery in the U.S., enabling Sprint's mobile data subscribers to enjoy an individualized mobile data experience," he said.

Sprint is the third-largest carrier in the United States. It is the largest individual carrier to deploy ChangingWorlds' ClixSmart solution.

While Sprint is the first U.S. carrier to use ClixSmart, more than 50 mobile operators worldwide have implemented ChangingWorlds' patented personalization solutions.

ChangingWorlds' customer base worldwide includes carriers such as Vodafone Global, O2 Group, T-Mobile, TeliaSonera, CSL Hong Kong and Celcom Malaysia.

ChangingWorlds' ClixSmart solution automatically generates personalized, dynamic content teasers that are meant to enrich the user experience of Sprint Web and stimulate increased click-through rates.

ClixSmart teasers, which include text and images, are rotated and personalized according to the ClixSmart user profile to provide a relevant user experience designed to encourage Sprint Web users to using more mobile data.

"ChangingWorlds' ClixSmart Platform is based on unique multi-strategy personalization that combines a range of different personalization techniques including rules-based, probabilistic models, behavioral profiling, community recommendations and content-based recommendations," Mr. Ryan said.

"Its auto-learning technologies adapt to the changing needs of users and communities of users, thereby guaranteeing that the right information is presented to the right user in the right way," he said.

"All of this means that ClixSmart personalization can adapt on the fly, without carrier intervention, letting Sprint focus on the business of increasing the adoption and regular usage of Sprint Web."

Sprint will use ClixSmart Recommender to automatically generate personalized content recommendations, which are relevant and interesting to the individual mobile portal user.

Sprint will also use ClixSmart Campaign Manager to promote content available on its mobile portal and to enable the cross-selling of mobile portal content.

Since its inception, ChangingWorlds has stressed the need for the intelligent delivery of personalized content to ensure the success of the mobile Internet.

ChangingWorlds focuses on delivering personalization solutions for mobile portal navigation, mobile search, mobile advertising and mobile content recommendations both on- and off-portal.

ChangingWorlds recently launched its personalized mobile advertising solution for the U.S. market at the CTIA conference in April in Las Vegas.

ChangingWorlds' ClixSmart Ad Personalizer uses the unique personalization features of the ClixSmart Relevance Engine to identify, select and deliver the most relevant advertising content to each subscriber.

ChangingWorlds claims to deliver highly targeted mobile advertising that reflects behavioral and contextual factors, as well as the inherent content preferences of each individual subscriber. This ensures that mobile advertising revenue is maximized by optimizing inventory throughput and click-through rates.

"For Sprint, ChangingWorlds' personalization solution provides targeting and personalization technology that accelerates content discovery and individualizes the user experience of the mobile Internet," Mr. Ryan said.

For example, if a customer continually goes to sports links, the top sports stories will be featured. This allows customers to quickly get relevant information based on what they use most, reducing the time they spend looking for content.

"The partnership with ChangingWorlds enables Sprint to concentrate on delivering sophisticated mobile content discovery," Mr. Ryan said.

"ChangingWorlds' Recommendation and personalization systems enables Sprint to make mobile content and services easy to discover and to increase adoption of these services by their subscribers," he said.