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American Express, Target embracing mobile video ads

American Express, L’Oreal, Target and Bing’s mobile campaigns are evidence of the fact that the iPad is driving the mobile video advertising market.

Other advertisers, including Aveeno and Clinique, are also running ads via the Vanity Fair application, rerouting users to their Web sites or Facebook pages. The application is also available on the iPhone and iPod touch for $4.99 and was created internally by Conde Nast.

?The app is very similar to a digital to a newsstand,? said Edward Menicheschi, publisher at Vanity Fair, New York. ?We don?t offer subscriptions and consumers can purchase an issue.

?I think it?s an opportunity to be on the edge of where this particular consumption is going,? he said. ?Our marketer partners are very excited about this and called us immediately and asked how they could be a part of this.”

American Express
American Express is running an interactive ad that promotes its Members Project and Takepart campaign.

Takepart is an online community that connects users directly to the issues that inspire them to engage, contribute and take action.

Users can click on the ad to view three videos.

Here is one of the three videos:

/>Here is a screen grab of the ad:

Additionally, users can click the ?get involved? button, which takes them to the Members Project Web site where they can vote for one of five charities that will receive funding from American Express, find a volunteer opportunity or donate to charities.

When a user taps on the screen, they are rerouted to this page:

When a user presses the “get involved” button, they are taken to this landing page:

Cosmetics giant L’Oréal is also running a video ad that features its spokewoman Penelope Cruz promoting the new Elnett Satin hairspray product.

Here is the video of the commercial:


Here is a screen grab of the ad:

When a user taps on the screen, they are rerouted here:

Target has a pure brand mobile advertising video that features Bullseye, a miniature bull terrier and trademark of the Target brand.

After watching the video, consumers can access Target?s Web site where they can shop for products.

Here is a screen grab of the ad:

When a user taps on the screen, they are rerouted to the video:

Users can tap Bing?s ad to explore its media gallery, which features photos, videos, background on the company and a link to its Web site.

The photos include a search for flights to Hawaii, bars in Honolulu, an underwater digital camera and volcanoes.

When a user clicks on a photo, they are redirected to the results page for that particular search.

Additionally, users can watch a trailer for a film the company submitted to Sundance about Dr. Richard Bing, a 100-year-old man who wrote to Microsoft and asked why they had used his name.

Here is the video for the trailer:


Here is a screen grab of the ad:

The ads can be seen in either horizontal or vertical view.

A Haagen-Dazs ad can be viewed horizontally and users are taken to its Web site.

There is also a Sony ad which promotes its new Cyber-shot digital camera.

Virtual newsstand
The application features the entire June issue.

Additionally, there are several iPad exclusives, including an article, photos and video on ?Lost? and a feature story on actress Emma Watson.

This is not Conde Nast?s first foray into interactive ads.

In GQ?s April issue for the iPad, advertisers were given the option to make their static ads more interactive.

Lexus, Gillette, Burberry, Armani Exchange and Braun participated.

“What we see today is the start, and certainly not the end point,? Mr. Menicheschi said. ?There is tremendous opportunity for our marketers to really distinguish themselves.