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Partnership for a Drug-Free America launches mobile public service campaign

The Partnership for a Drug-Free America has launched its first mobile public service campaign to expand the reach of its educational messages about the risks of drugs and alcohol, creating new opportunities to reach teens and parents with important health information.

This campaign targets parents interested in learning how to start and maintain conversations with their kids about drugs and alcohol, and teens who may be experimenting or using. The partnership is running banner ads on mobile Web sites that drive to WAP sites where parents can sign up to access tips, tools and advice from the Partnership's "Time to Talk" program.

"We identified mobile as a perfect fit of the demographic we are targeting -- parents and teens," said Hilary Baris, digital media and marketing director at the Partnership, New York. "Mobile really allows a relevant, targeted message and offers vital capabilities and provides the opportunity to introduce our valuable resources and tools."

The Partnership is a nonprofit organization that unites parents, renowned scientists and communications professionals to help families raise healthy children.

The organization is best known for their research-based national public education program that equips parents to prevent their children from alcohol and drug abuse.

Tha campaign lets parents sign up to receive their first "talk tip" via text message.

Teens are introduced to "Check Yourself," a site designed to help them examine their relationship with drugs and alcohol. They will have the option to text a friend to share the site.

The Partnership launched this campaign with the help of Ringleader Digital and Contagious.

"We're very grateful to our mobile partners for their passion, generosity and commitment to utilizing the power of mobile marketing to help keep families and kids healthy and drug-free," Ms. Baris said.

Contagious donated it's time to develop the mobile campaign strategy and creative design and used Ringleader Digital's media network to identify the appropriate inventory based on teen and parents mobile browsing habits.

Publishers go2 Media, The Zumobi Network, Frengo, Limbo and Maestro contributed inventory to the cause.

"The nature of mobile phone advertising and text messaging allows direct and immediate communication and engagement," Ms. Baris said. "Digital media has proven to be one of the most exciting and effective ways to get the Partnership's messages out to this generation of parents and teens.

"Everyone's busy and on the go these days, especially parents, and it's not always easy to make time to stay current even on issues that are important, like your child's health," she said. "Most people are tethered to their mobile phone/PDA, and this campaign gives us the opportunity to catch parents' attention no matter where they are and give them quick, easy access to important information.

"As for teens, this generation uses texting and mobile phones as a primary form of communication -- this campaign speaks their language using their medium."