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Ringleader Digital launches mobile cookie technology

Ringleader Digital, a mobile third-party ad serving network, today introduces Media Stamp, a device identification technology.

The server-side Media Stamp technology provides the ability to track individual mobile handsets anonymously across the entire mobile ecosystem.

"The strategy here is to create a new media standard in tracking all unique digital requesting devices," said Bob Walczak, CEO of Ringleader, New York.

By delivering analytics to both publishers and agencies, Media Stamp provides campaign control and visibility to provide users with relevant content. Ultimately it is meant to enhance the mobile experience.

By "stamping" a mobile device, Ringleader Digital enables agencies and brands to identify unique visitors and track their clicks, impressions and acquisitions across all browsing sessions, mobile sites and wireless carriers.

Media Stamp claims it is the first technology to standardize these ad serving and analytic capabilities in mobile, which were previously only available for online advertising.

Media Stamp's anonymous device identification technology does not track users.

Instead, it builds profiles of each device by tracking mobile online usage patterns across nearly 100 discriminators that include device type, geography and mobile carrier information.

Ringleader Digital's technology does not collect personally identifiable information.

For example, it would not track mobile phone numbers or other personal data.

"The potential of mobile advertising has been constrained because agencies and publishers have not had the real-time visibility or analytics required to validate the return on invesetment for mobile ad campaigns" Mr. Walczak, said.

"Media Stamp is reinventing mobile advertising by quickly gaining a strong understanding of user preferences and enabling mobile advertisers to provide targeted, relevant advertisements to growing and active mobile audiences," he said.

With the identification of devices, advertisers can employ frequency and session capping controls to increase ad rotation and reduce oversaturation of individual ads.

Media Stamp also allows advertisers to deliver sequential messaging to a single user.

Conversion tracking capabilities from Media Stamp analyze how impressions and click results are connected to actions.

Media Stamp can also associate the user's behavior to each page that included a specific served ad -- enabling publishers to identify all pages that contributed to a visitor's conversion.

"This enables brands and agencies to validate their ROI, performance of their campaigns and validate value on their advertising spend," Mr. Walczak said.

"For publishers, it increases the value of their inventory by optimizing and enhancing the performance of their impressions," he said.