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Millennial Media partners with WaveMarket for location-aware advertising

LAS VEGAS -- Mobile ad network Millennial Media and WaveMarket have partnered to deliver location-based advertising services.

The deal with WaveMarket, an Emeryville, CA-based mobile location-based platform and application provider, will enable Millennial Media to locate a user with street-corner accuracy and deliver targeted ads.

"What they hand off to us is extremely specific geographic information, but not user-specific information," said Mack McKelvey, vice president of marketing at Millennial Media, Baltimore, MD. "It's just another tool in our ability to serve ads in real time."

The effort will require users to opt in before Millennial Media can access their location. They can opt out any time.

Millennial Media will integrate WaveMarket's Veriplace platform into its system to create what it claims is a transparent and secure location aggregation platform with privacy controls for users.

"From our perspective, which is really one that comes from protecting the privacy and security of the end user, this is revolutionary because Millennial Media is giving mobile location or advertising a great name because they're asking the user for permission to be located via Veriplace in order to deliver a very, very valuable location-targeted ad," said Joel Grossman, vice president of marketing and product management at WaveMarket.

Veriplace leverages WaveMarket's Family Locator line of products available on millions of mobile phones. It offers WAP, Web, SMS, widget and mobile application developers access to a user's access. However, the user has to grant access.

Per WaveMarket, consumers can grant or revoke location permission at any time through the Veriplace Web site or mobile site. They can also view a complete history of which applications have located them at any time.

The Millennial Media deal with WaveMarket, while not exclusive to one mobile ad network, is yet another indication that viable, permission-based location-based advertising is on its way.

"It gives mobile LBS advertising a good name," Mr. Grossman said. "By that I mean that rumors of surreptitious data mining or companies that access a user's information without the user's permission has frightened mobile users and created some questionable mobile practices.

"The other revolutionary step here is the ability to deliver smart advertisements," he said. "In Millennial's demonstration, they use the user's location to help the user arrive on the doorstep of their advertising partner. That's a huge win for both the advertiser and the end user."

Millennial Media's Ms. McKelvey believes that the addition of the location-aggregation platform gives her company and its advertiser clients an edge in the marketplace.

"Right now our competitors target the IP address," Ms. McKelvey said. "We can get down to the street level through our partnership. And for the end user that's opted in, it's a very smooth process."