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JumpTap, Pinch Media launch in-app iPhone ads

Mobile search and advertising network JumpTap and Pinch Media have joined forces to offer in-application iPhone advertising.

The new iPhone application advertising network melds Pinch Media's analytics and ad technology for iPhone App Store applications with JumpTap's mobile ad network.

"As the iPhone has revolutionized consumption of the mobile Internet, it was time for us to offer a dedicated solution for marketers to take advantage," said Paran Johar, chief marketing officer of JumpTap, New York.

The deal will let developers insert ads into their iPhone applications to target iPhone users -- a demographic that is tech-savvy and a voracious consumer of the mobile Internet.

Pinch Media has already developed a network of more than 300 iPhone application developers since its April launch. Incorporating Pinch Analytics into their iPhone applications will let developers monetize the applications.

The Pinch Analytics module offers data such as the number of unique users, length of time that the application is being used and geographic location.

"This is the first time that an in-application advertising provider has partnered with a mobile search advertising network," said Greg Yardley, cofounder/CEO of Pinch Media.

The Apple iPhone currently accounts for more than 30 percent of U.S. page views among the leading mobile Web sites.

More than 800 tailored applications have launched since the iPhone 3G debuted July 12 in conjunction with wireless carrier AT&T.

Pinch Media claims its analytics package deployed in many iPhone App Store applications indicates that the applications are growing quickly. The company said that some free iPhone applications have already garnered more than 250,000 unique users in less than two weeks.

These individuals are said to spend almost 5 minutes per session with the iPhone application.

"We've seen a tremendous uptake in iPhone application usage in two weeks," Mr. Yardley said.

"Based on that, the industry is crying out for a way to help developers make money outside of paid downloads for the iPhone App Store," he said.

Both JumpTap and Pinch Media will reach out to advertisers in the automotive, financial services and entertainment sectors. High-tech is another target area.

"Conversion rates by consumers on iPhone advertising has been 2-plus percent and so I think direct marketers will also be interested," JumpTap's Mr. Johar said.